ClearBox Server™ v1.2 Developer's Guide

Advanced Extension Database Schema

Advanced server extension supplied with the ClearBox Server uses predefined database schema consisting of two tables.


This table containing user accounts.

Column name Data type Description
ID Counter Unique key field used to identify a record in the table.
Name Text(50) User name (or "login").
Password Text(50) User password.
Enabled Boolean Flag specifying whether the user account is enabled or disabled. If Enabled is false, user is always rejected.
ValidSince Date-Time Specifies the date when user account becomes valid. If this value is greater than current time then user is rejected. If this field is NULL then it's not checked.
ValidTill Date-Time Specifies the date when user account becomes invalid. If current time is greater than this field then user is rejected. If this field is NULL then it's not checked.
TimeCredit Integer Specifies amount of time (in seconds) that user is allowed to stay connected to a NAS. If it's > 0 then user session timeout is set to this value. If it's 0, no timeout is applied. If it's less than 0 then user is rejected.


This tables is filled by the server automatically if LogType key is Database.

Column name Data type Description
ID Counter Unique value identifying a record.
UserID Integer Points to a record in Users table. It's 0 if no user was found in Users table from user name.
DateInserted Date/time Time when this record was inserted into the table.
SessionTime Integer Duration of a user session in seconds.
BytesIn Integer Number of input bytes transferred during the connection.
BytesOut Integer Number of input bytes transferred during the connection.
IPAddress char(50) IP address that was assigned to a user during his session.
CallerID char(50) Value of Caller-ID attribute.


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