ClearBox Server™ v1.2 User's Guide

Technical Support

XPerience Technologies provides two levels of support.

  • All users (both unregistered and registered) can get answers to any questions regarding our products via online forum. Note that XPerience does not guarantee that it will answer the same day a question has been posted.
    See how you may register ClearBox Server if you have not done it yet.
  • Registered customers receive full 24-hour technical support via e-mail to get quick and effective solution. This support covers all problems/questions regarding ClearBox Server setup, administration, configuration, development of server extensions.

    Turn to one of the following addresses:

    - Send e-mail to [email protected] to solve a problem or ask a question. In you letter please specify the problem you've experienced, the situation in which it occurred, registration name, information about your equipment, operating system.

    - If you need any help or consultations about ClearBox Server extension development, please e-mail to [email protected].

    In your letter please specify ID received from us with the registration key.

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